Successful conference on “Nationalism and Tourism”

Vilnius, 15 and 16 May 2024.

The international conference on “Nationalism and Tourism” organised by NISE, the German Historical Institute and the Lithuanian Institute of History was held on 15-16 May in Vilnius at the premises of the Martynas Mažvydas – The National Library of Lithuania.

The 2 days program was divided into 4 panels where all 18 speakers and the 2 Keynote speakers took the floor to further explore the intricate relationship between tourism, leisure and nationalism.

For further information about the (pre)organisation of the conference and the program, click here:

The conference fotos can be checked here:

SNM 12 is published!

You can read and download HERE volume 12 of Studies on National Movements (SNM), NISE’s peer reviewed journal.

Among others, this volume presents articles emanating from the NISE conference on “Nationalism and World Fairs” (Vienna, 31st May – 1st June, 2023), and offers new articles for the usual SoN, Archival, Digital Humanities and Book Reviews chapters. 

Enjoy the reading!

Successful NISE Lecture about the Canon and national identity.

Last Friday, 10 November, the prestigious Nottebohm room in Antwerp appeared full on an event that attracted historians, academics, researches, people from the cultural and the education sectors and many others.

The 2023 NISE Lecture offered the audience a discussion from an international comparative perspective about the historical canons from The Netherlands, Denmark and Flanders. The three invited speakers: Frits van Oostrom, Susan Legêne and Emmanuel Gerard, explained the respective canons and, moderated by Rolf Falter, entered into a lively and interesting discussion which was followed by an animated Q&A moment engaging the diverse public in the debate.

Click HERE to download the video clip of the full event (if you have problems downloading the file, we suggest you to use the Google Chrome browser).

And the audio of the event available HERE.

Download here the event visual/poster.

This event was organised by NISE, with the support of ADVN and the Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library.

Tim van Gerven wins the NISE Award 2023

The price, worth 1000€, was given to Tim van Gerven for his thesis “Scandinavism. Overlapping and Competing Identities in the Nordic World 1770 – 1919”.

His thesis got the unanimous vote of the jury as the best competing thesis for the price.

NISE thanks all the participants for their time and effort!

For more information about the NISE Awards, click here.

SAVE THE DATE: NISE Lecture, 10 November, Antwerp. The Canon and national identity.

More than 15 years after its Dutch counterpart, the Canon of Flanders -the frame of reference of the Flemish culture and history- is today a reality.

The process of developing and completing the Flemish canon has not lacked heated internal controversy and debate.

In order to shed some more light to the topic, NISE will offer in its 2023 NISE Lecture a discussion from an international comparative perspective about the historical canons from The Netherlands, Denmark and Flanders, for which we count on renown experts in each case.

The 2023 NISE Lecture will be held in Dutch.


Frits van Oostrom – Dutch case

Susan Legêne – Danish case

Emmanuel Gerard – Flemish case

Moderator: Rolf Falter

Where: Nottebohm room, Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library, Antwerp.

When: Friday, 10 November at 18h.

Download here the event visual/poster.

After the event a reception will be offered!

This event is open to the public but registration is mandatory. Please register by Wednesday 8 November at

This event is organised by NISE, with the support of ADVN and the Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library.

The trailers of NISE’s 2023 “Nationalism and World Fairs” conference presentations’ are now online!

Check on our Vimeo account the trailers of the presentations at NISE’s 2023 “Nationalism and World Fairs” conference. 

These 12 trailers give a brief insight of the presentations that completed the program of this year’s NISE conference, held on 31st May and 1st June, at the premises of the Vienna University of Economics and Business. 
Check the trailers here.

You can also see the pictures of the conference here.

The “Nationalism and World Fairs” conference was held within the framework of NISE’s 2023 Annual Gathering
For further information about the conference, please check the event website. 

Successful Annual Gathering 2023: NISE meetings and “Nationalism and World Fairs” conference.

WU hall

On 30th – 31st May and 1st June NISE members met in Vienna, at the WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business, on the occasion of the Annual Gathering.

30th May. NISE Day

30th May was devoted to NISE matters. Different statutory and non statutory bodies of the organisation held their meetings that day in a pretty hectic but enjoyable and confortable environment. Among others, NISE’s Members Council took place, with a high number of participants and a vivid feedback of information. The meetings of the SNM editorial board, the Archival Core Group (ACG) and the Scientific Core Group (SCG) were also held. All the meetings were hybrid in order to facilitate a broad participation.

Members’ Council meeting
ACG meeting

31st may – 1st June. “Nationalism and World Fairs” conference

31st May and 1st was dedicated to the conference on “Nationalism and World Fairs”. Two excellent keynote speakers, Eric Storm and Marta Filipová, respectively, opened the conference each day. Together with these, other 10 speakers presented their cases, tackling many different aspects of the main topic from very diverse (and all exciting) perspectives.

Conference speakers
Conference participants

The whole event took place at the WU, Vienna University of Economics and Business, which lies at the very place where, 125 years prior, the World Exhibition was placed: The Prater.

For further information about the conference on “Nationalism and World Fairs”, please visit the event website HERE.

Click HERE to download the conference booklet.

NISE Letter – Special edition!

We have launched a Special edition of the NISELetter which focuses its attention in the upcoming NISE Conference on “Nationalism and World Fairs” to be held in Vienna, on 31st May – 1st June 2023.

Click HERE to read it!