Successful NISE Lecture about the Canon and national identity.

Last Friday, 10 November, the prestigious Nottebohm room in Antwerp appeared full on an event that attracted historians, academics, researches, people from the cultural and the education sectors and many others.

The 2023 NISE Lecture offered the audience a discussion from an international comparative perspective about the historical canons from The Netherlands, Denmark and Flanders. The three invited speakers: Frits van Oostrom, Susan LegĂȘne and Emmanuel Gerard, explained the respective canons and, moderated by Rolf Falter, entered into a lively and interesting discussion which was followed by an animated Q&A moment engaging the diverse public in the debate.

Click HERE to download the video clip of the full event (if you have problems downloading the file, we suggest you to use the Google Chrome browser).

And the audio of the event available HERE.

Download here the event visual/poster.

This event was organised by NISE, with the support of ADVN and the Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library.