To preserve the heritage of national movements NISE carries out projects generated by itself or on behalf of other organisations.
Structural Archival Care programme (2017-…)
The Structural Archival Care programme (SAC) offers advice and assistance on archival care and (digital) document management for political parties that don’t have the capacity to organise this on their own. The programme is co-funded by the Coppieters Foundation and is carried out in close collaboration with ADVN. The goals of the programme are raising archival awareness, creating sustainable storage, well organised and accessible archives, etc. More details can be found on the programme website.
Archival Awareness roadmap (2014-2016)
In collaboration with the Unrepresented Nations & Peoples Organisation (UNPO) NISE developed a roadmap to raise archival awareness amongst UNPO members. Following a successful ‘Archival Awareness workshop’ in 2014, the State of the Archives questionnaire was launched and presented in 2015. This survey aimed to create a situational overview of the archives of stateless nations and indigenous peoples in order to initiate tailor-made strategies for the safeguarding of their heritage. Due to a lack of funding no further actions were taken.
The final report written by ADVN archivist Tom Cobbaert can be downloaded below!