NISE Essays

The NISE-Essays provide a platform for our members to concisely present their research on national movements in Europe.

You can download the NISE Essays by clicking the links below or by visiting the specific NISE Essays portal (on the Janeway platform) where they are all separately displayed and where each article has been attributed a Digital Object Identification (DOI).

If you want to order a print copy of the Essays, please send an email to with a payment proof of 15€ per Essay.

M.Pittock, “Scotland and Brexit: the Road to Now” (Antwerp, Peristyle, 2021)

C. Kesteloot, Walloon Federalism or Belgian Nationalism? The Walloon Movement at the End of the First World War (Antwerp, Peristyle, 2021)

X.M. Núñez Seixas, Catalan Nationalism and the Quest for Independence in the Twenty-First Century: A Historical Perspective (Antwerp, Peristyle, 2020)

B. De Wever,  F.J. Verdoodt & A. Vrints, Flemish Patriots and the Construction of the Nation: How the Flamish Nation Ceased to Be ‘Small’ (Antwerp: Peristyle, 2019)

M. Hroch, Intellectual autobiography (Antwerp: Peristyle, 2018).

J.Th. Leerssen, When was Romantic Nationalism? The onset, the long tail, the banal (Antwerp: NISE, 2014).

A.-M. Thiesse, The transnational creation of national arts and crafts in 19th century Europe (Antwerp: NISE, 2013).

L. Boeva, Rien de plus international. Towards a comparative and transnational historiography of national movements (Antwerp: ADVN, 2009).