In furthering its goals, NISE has developed relations with some institutions whose remit does not fully correspond to its own. A partnership agreement stipulates the modalities of cooperation. Without being involved in NISE’s policy or management decisions, both parties can gain mutual benefits from a clearly defined collaboration.
- Abertzaletasunaren Agiritegia, Artea-Spain
- Centre Internacional Escarré per a les Minories Etniques i les Nacions (CIEMEN), Barcelona-Spain
- Coppieters Foundation, Brussels-Belgium
- Consello da Cultura Galega, Santiago de Compostela-Spain
- European Institute of Identities – Swansea University, Swansea-United Kingdom
- Instytut Badań Regionalnych – Biblioteki Śląskiej w Katowicach, Katowice-Poland
- Rolde de Estudios Aragoneses (REA), Zaragoza-Spain
- Svenska Centralarkivet, Helsinki-Finland
- Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), The Hague-The Netherlands