SAVE THE DATE: NISE Lecture 3 November 2022, Antwerp.

Michel Krielaars* will be the speaker of the next NISE Lecture “Everything for the motherland. Russian nationalism as a means to stay in power”. Mr. Krielaars will survey Putin’s nationalist policy since the beginning of his rule in 2000 until today.

The lecture will take place on Thursday 3 November at 18h, at the  prestigious Nottebohm room of the Hendrik Conscience Library, in Antwerp

The lecture, in English, is open to the public but registration is needed. Please register by sending an email to before Monday 31st of October. 

After the lecture a reception will be offered. 

*Michel Krielaars is a historian with a specialization in Slavic Studies and Russian history, a prominent journalist and chief editor of the “Books” section of the Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad.