SnM Volume 13 published!
The latest volume of Studies on National Movements is published. Click on "Read More" to access the articles!
NISE is an international platform for research and heritage on national movements in Europe. It brings together researchers and research and cultural heritage institutions that are working on the study of nationalism in Europe from the eighteenth century to today. Our mission is to facilitate and stimulate exchange and collaborations across countries, disciplines and the scientific and cultural heritage sector.
More about NISEThe latest volume of Studies on National Movements is published. Click on "Read More" to access the articles!
New publication in the NISE-Essay Series: Marta Filipová 'Designing national pavilions and nations: Czechoslovakia and Bat'a at interwar exhibitions'.
The latest volume of Studies on National Movements is published. Click on "Read More" to access the articles!
Last Friday, 10 November, the prestigious Nottebohm room in Antwerp appeared full on an event that attracted historians, academics, researches, people from the cultural and the education sectors and many others.
Click HERE to download the conference booklet.
Tim van Gerven wins the NISE Award 2023
The price, worth 1000€, was given to Tim van Gerven for his thesis “Scandinavism. Overlapping and Competing Identities in the Nordic World 1770 – 1919”.
His thesis got the unanimous vote of the jury as the best competing thesis for the price.
NISE thanks all the participants for their time and effort!